My friend Ramesh's wedding
"A perfect match" is the word coming in our mind at the first look of this photo.
Congrats Ramesh all the best in your life.
Myself in the photograph with our friend Thiyagarajkumar.The invitation of Ramesh's wedding, the apt wordings with a catchy design.
guess how!
its designed by his better half Nivedha.
PS - click on the image to view a bigger one easy to readBalaji, myself with mapillai. Taken just after Ramesh had made himself ready with the suit.
Balaji and me in the marriage hall.
The traditional "kamatchi vilakku " handed over to the bride.
What a wonderful smile da mapillai !!
The mapillai smiles all way walking to the stage, while the bride has to ensure that the lamp is well balanced on the brass plate. While walking she has to make sure that the light is still burning.
Is this task the training basics for a successful woman.With new dreams, new hopes, new aspirations and a desire to achieve new horizons
the journey towards the success starts.
Best wishes to you man.
Myself with Thiyagu.
A recall to those college days..
Ramesh and Thiyagu were there together in the same bench during our college days. i.e. in the year 1993- 1996. The chappathi and poori with the tasty potato poriyal that Thiyagu brings to college is a delicacy to everyone during the morning break. Although the food is meant for his lunch, all guys are tied up with the tasty chappathy, of course it is ensured that there is no chappathy left in his tiffin box for the lunch. The reason for this trouble to Thiyagu is the super taste of the food made with love by his mummy. We people still speak of the chappathy chapter whenever we meet. Of course one of our guys was named with Chappathy since he got caught while he was munching one while our RTK sir's class was going on.
Thiyagu with his brother Nanda.
Idea excellent, I support.
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