The Search Camp at Tidel Park
The day started for me with the journey for the Searchcamp from my town Cuddalore early in the morning on 1/Mar/09. I skipped going to the first day of the camp since I am feverish about the techy stuff associated with the Search Engine Concepts. With tiring me, I needed a little sleep, so went to Pondy and caught the ultra deluxe bus to Chennai to have a good sleep while travelling.
The picturesque ECR.
Though bit late I made to the venue at around 10.00 a.m.
The venue is so silent; it seemed like a prayer session at the Church. The session of advanced SEO by Stephen Spencer, President and CEO of NetConcepts. He did it from the US thru online. The audience were seriously listening to the session, it seemed a vital session was going on. But those are Greek and Latin for me.
Since I could not understand anything, I went out to the registration desk for a relief. Had a good chat with friends Raghavan, Sukumaran sir and Varun, a little networking. has sponsored this writing pad which had individual tid bits about their business in each sheet of paper in the pad. A thoughtful design on the little pad.
Then came the session "Marketing Mix during Recession" by Kalaivani an online diamond business woman. She did had the session in an interesting way with her simple and easy to understand terms.
Meanwhile Adam Lasnik the Search Evangelist @ Google had arrived.

During the coffee break, many of the people there were seen swarming around this Googler Adam Lasnik.

Clicking namma Chennai Blogger Kiruba who is having a new kinda hair do.

The interesting session by Adam has started. The wonder part is that he promised not to tire us with power point slides. The session was quite interactive.
The ice breaking had started with Kiruba raising a trivia question for the participants. What is meant by GOOGLE? The person who tells that correct answer will get the biggest choco nut. Someone did tell the correct answer that Google means 1 followed by 100 zeros. Yep, there were three guys and all deserved for the big choco nut.

You can see Kiruba taking out the choco and the nut. The nut inside that hand bag was too heavy and he took extra efforts to take it out.

Yepp, that is the nut you see.
Coconut,, Ha Haa

Some kind participant is seen following a unique way of reading his lap top. Guess what he is doing?

The brains behind the successful searchcamp.

Then its the lunch time. We had the gift of clicking snaps with Adam. That is yours truly with the great googler.

Some more buddies. All those who are posing with him have finished their lunch. But for Adam.. Finally he got to start his lunch.,

But see, there is another girl asking him an important doubt. Then the photo clicking continued and he however gave off his lunch plate to somebody. I do not know whether he had completed his lunch.

The big nut (prizy catch) is seen on the table...

The event had an added gift for the job seekers. Just few paper wikis on the notice board making out useful info for the needy.

The event was going on, but i started my way back to home, since i am still searching on what searchcamp holds for me. But a nice moment to network with fellows who i may have missed otherwise.
The arrangements at the camp were quite good, You guys rock in organizing such innovative event. Would have been nicer, if the sessions are designed to imbibe search concept even to dummies like me.
More of my search camp photos are here.
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