Friday, January 11, 2008

Nano - Tata's small car - Boon or bane

To Tata Inc,

You have just introduced the world's cheapest car.
Yes its India's pride. You have made a revolution in the car industry.
Your dream product is really a special gift to the middle class Indians.
In spite of increasing input costs you have stood by your promise of 1 Lakh Rupees.
I salute you.


The already congested roads in the Indian metros will surely witness an explosive growth of car population.
Your competitors are bound to follow your business logic..,
Are you doing good to our country's poor roads?
Should the morality of daily office goers be injured with increased journey time?

Why the car makers are making the traffic poorer ?

This same country had well planned cities called Harappa and Mohenjodaro that too 4000 years ago which had even a well planned drainage.
But today our country is heading for a more heart burn to the road users.
Why not the country make the roads richer ?


Anonymous said...

There are many oppositions to Nano... but it would be interesting to know if the opposer already OWNS a car .... it would then be Hypocrisy

Anonymous said...

you are being selfish by sayng so, but you failed to realise that the rise in auto users would pressurise the the gournment to improve the roadways..

Srini said...

I dreamt the other way 2 happen.
but its like
first buying the shoe then making ur toe fit to it.

Anonymous said...

@(second anonymous guy) I think thats not the way our "leaders" would think!!

@srini the people who planned the ancient cities were HUMANS. but the guys who call themselves leaders are not!